Friday, 16 December 2011

2s.5 A virtual visit to the Sherlock Holmes museum in London

At the moment we are talking about Sherlock Holmes in class and reading one of his interesting cases. Today it's time for a virtual visit to the Sherlock Holmes museum in London!

Click on and answer the questions below on the blog:

A. Imagine you and your family are in London and you want to visit the Sherlock Holmes museum.

     1. Where in London is the museum? Write the address.

     2. How many people will visit the museum? How much will the tickets cost for all of you?

     3. A complete visit to the museum is approximately 2 hours long. You arrive at the museum at 4.30 p.m. Can you finish your visit? Why (not)?

     4. What is the only day of the year when you CAN’T visit the museum?

B. Now click on “Museum Tour” and skim the text. Can you find this information?

     5. The period of time when Sherlock Holmes and Watson lived in the house (according to the story).

     6. A special place where visitors can pose for photos.

     7. The floor Dr. Watson’s room is on.

C. Look at the picture of Sherlock Holmes's study.

     8. Write a short paragraph about the study answering these questions:
          What can you see? Describe it.
          Do you think this study reflects Sherlock Holmes's personality? Why (not)?

          Compare it with the living room at your home. What is similar? What is different?
          Remember the structure of sentences in English: SUBJECT + VERB + OBJECTS


2s.4 A video about Sherlock Holmes

Here you are the video about Sherlock Holmes we watched and talked about yesterday in class. Below you can also find the worksheet about the video for those of you who didn't come to class. Remember you must study the information in the chart (exercise 1) for the exam!