Sunday, 26 October 2014

1x.4 Destination America. Life stories of today's immigrants.

1. Discuss these questions in small groups:
  • Define migration. What can be its causes?
  • Do you have ancestors from other Spanish regions or foreign countries? Why did they migrate to Majorca?
  • How do immigrants adapt to Spanish culture?
  • Imagine you must settle in a foreign country. What aspects would you find key to successful integration?

Sophia, last year's assistant teacher, participated in a workshop in which high school students like you interviewed immigrants in their schools or neighbourhoods and wrote articles about their life experiences.
2. Read one of these extracts and discuss the questions in your group:

3. When you finish, join students who read a different story and compare the three life experiences.
  • In what ways are the three stories similar? In what ways are they different?
  • Which story did you find the most striking? Why?
  • Can you think of similar situations migrants are facing in Spain? Discuss them.


4. Read the complete story you have been assigned comprehensively and watch the accompanying video when you finish. You can find the stories here. The following online dictionaries can help you with your reading at home.

5. When you finish reading, complete the reading file below thoroughly. You will need this file next day in class to take part in a class discussion. 

6. On June 16th 2015, a well-known American businessman called Donald Trump announced that he would be running for US President in 2016. His Presidential Campaign Announcement speech was very controversial because of what he said about immigration. Watch the video and discuss the questions below:

  • Does his view on immigration match the real-life experiences you've read about? Why (not)?
  • What different reactions do you think his words may have caused? Think about different types of audiences such as Mexican immigrants, American citizens, the international community, etc.
  • Is this a conservative or a liberal view on immigration? Why? 
  • Do you think he will become the next US President? Why (not)?

Sunday, 5 October 2014

1x.3 Surviving in Japan

After learning some interesting things about Japan and listening to Malcolm's experience living in the country, I want you to take a look at this website which offers survival tips for people who would like to move to Japan.

Imagine you're planning to move to Tokyo for work-related reasons. Browse the guide summary (click here to open the website) and read the sections which are relevant to the questions you've been assigned. Take notes to discuss them in class later on.

Group 1

What important things should you do before leaving Spain?
What tips or recommendations do you consider to be the most useful?

Group 2

What type of jobs should a person who doesn't speak Japanese fluently try to find?
What important considerations related to job interviews, contracts and work should you take into account?

Group 3

What advice on free time does the guide give?
Which tips or recommendations do you consider to be the most useful?

ご幸運を祈ります! (Gokoūn o inorimasu!) - Good luck!